Styles of Massage Therapy

Our Services

  • Therapeutic Massage

    This is probably the massage that first pops into mind for you. Typically using an oil or lotion, muscles are kneaded and compressed. This can range from a very relaxing Swedish style massage to a deep tissue massage.

  • CranioSacral

    This style of work involves the rebalancing of the craniosacral system through gentle, noninvasive manipulation of the cranium, bones of the face and the spine.

  • Yoga

    Yoga is a multifaceted practice that includes meditation, physical postures, and breath work. The goal of yoga is to bring harmony between the layers of the body and mind.

  • Cupping

    There are a few styles of cupping, many of our therapists use both stationary and dynamic cupping. This treatment usually combines massage and stretching techniques with the use of negative-pressurized cups.

  • Thai Massage

    This is a traditional therapy combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures.

  • Manual Osteopathy

    Manual Osteopathic Therapy is a gentle non-invasive hands-on therapy that focuses on bringing the body’s structure and function back to a state of whole body optimal health.

Book an Appointment

Many of our therapists offer more than one modality and everyone will have their own unique take on treatment.