self-massage for self-care
We don’t always get in to see our massage therapist as often as we would like to (massage therapists included). For those times when we’d like a small in-between-appointments refresh self-massage is a great option. It’s tricky if your back is the spot that needs work, but for many of us self-massage of the head, arms, and legs is within our reach!
There are so many wonderful resources online and I’m not about to reinvent the wheel - so I’d like to introduce you to one of my favourite resources. Rachel Richards is a massage therapist out of NYC and her YouTube channel is full of very well done videos! One of my current go-to videos is on ear, jaw, and scalp self-massage. Even as a massage therapist it’s nice to follow along with another person and take some thinking out of the equation. I know I clench my jaw when I sleep and when the sidewalks are icy I tense everything else up while I shuffle on my way, so this video is a nice way to end my day.